Creasey Log Homes PO Box 817 Monroe, WA 98272 USA (360) 794-8057

Our Juniper fence posts and landscape timbers are both beautiful and environmentally safe. Naturally preserved with organic juniper oils, and extremely dense, the posts exceed the life expectancy of both cedar (it's closely related sub-species) and chemically treated landscape timbers and fence posts.1, 2
Western Juniper = 1 Redwood = 2 Western Redcedar = 2 Lodgepole Pine = 3 or 4
Durability Classification Scale1
1 = Very resistant 2 = Resistant 3 = Moderately Resistant 4 = Non-resistant
Perfect for the organic garden or farm, juniper is highly durable without the environmental risk of chemically treated woods. Even though the posts and timbers are chemical-free, they are highly durable. A long-term study of fence post service-life, conducted by Oregon State University, concludes that Juniper posts will last over 30 years in the ground. A study begun in 1928 still has Juniper posts standing today! Imagine an untreated fence post that will stand for 80 years! 2

The natural garden will also benefit from the beauty of Juniper landscape timbers. The color within the wood varies from milky white to deep red-brown. The contorted bands of heartwood and sapwood create dramatic swirls of red and white. The natural colors of the wood can be preserved with UV filtering oils or the posts and timbers can be allowed to weather to a delicate silver-grey. The USDA Forest Products Laboratory has concluded that: 1) For woods that have a natural durability, such as juniper, preservative treatment is not necessary. 2) Wood blends with the countryside, giving unity and harmony with nature. 3) Wood posts stay in the ground better (than steel posts) because more surface area is in contact with the surrounding soil.3
Our fence posts and landscape timbers are massive, dense and beautiful. They are naturally preserved and chemical free, perfect for the organic farm or natural garden. Yet with all of those advantages, we have them priced competitively with the chemically treated versions of lesser woods.
Juniper is a wood with heavy character. it grows twisted and gnarled with heavy knots.
Reference: 1) Natural Durability of Wood: A Worldwide Checklist of Species, Research Contribution 22, Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, Scheffer, Morrell, 1998. 2) Service Life of Treated and Untreated Fence Posts: 1996 Post Farm Report, Research Contribution 26, Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, Morrell, Miller, Scheider P.F. 1999. 3) Wood Fence Posts. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, S&PF Technology Marketing Unit, 2001